Financiamiento de eficiencia energética de la SBA
Go Green for Unlimited SBA 504 Loans
La Programa de energía verde SBA 504 allows business owners to qualify for additional SBA 504 financing when they meet the energy efficiency requirements.
Under this program, the SBA 504 portion of the financing package is increased to a maximum of $5.5 million. There is no limit on the first mortgage amount, and therefore no limit on the total project cost. In many cases, projects over $25 million can still qualify for only 10% down.
When energy efficiencies are implemented, borrowers can exceed the traditional SBA maximum — and there is no limit to the number of SBA 504 loans you can take out.
So, if you already have outstanding SBA loans or you have reached your usual SBA lending limit of $5 million per borrower, you may be eligible for more SBA financing by going green!
Hay dos formas de calificar para financiamiento adicional de la SBA a través de este programa:
1. Reduce energy consumption by 10%
Por ejemplo, la instalación de iluminación de bajo consumo energético puede reducir el consumo total de energía en comparación con su edificio anterior o previamente renovado. Nuevas ventanas, aislamiento, HVAC o equipos de bajo consumo energético también pueden ayudar a reducir el consumo.
2. Generate renewable energy or renewable fuels to make up 15% of energy use
For example, installing solar panels and/or wind turbines to generate at least 15% of energy for business use.
Descubra cómo la eficiencia energética puede ayudar a superar los límites tradicionales de los proyectos